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On the BBC's channels on the Astra digital platform the first sad and tangible signs of the beginning of the end for the BBC's CEEFAX service.

In May 2001, on Astra Digital, the BBC replaced the national variants of BBC Choice with new regional variants of BBC2. With BBC Text now fully operational these new services, in common with their terrestrial equivalents are not carrying CEEFAX.

These explanatory pages are therefore the only ones carried.

While on BBC Choice...
Then worse news still... as far as BBC ONE and BBC TWO from Astra digital were concerned it was all over, and even on News 24 the days of CEEFAX are over. 

Unfortunately the pages on BBC Text aren't numbered.

In early September 2001 Ceefax finally disappeared from BBC CHOICE and BBC KNOWLEDGE, though it continued on  BBC NEWS 24 and on BBC ONE, BBC TWO - but for how much longer...?
On the afternoon of 19-Sep-2001 the Ceefax service was finally withdrawn from the BBC1 and BBC2 from Astra Digital, and replaced by this page.

If you have strong feelings abut this The Teletext Museum invites you to make your views known to the BBC.

Here are some of the ways you can do it:

  • Email BBC Viewer and Listener correspondence:
  • Email Ceefax:
  • Write to them or fax them using the details shown opposite
  • Contact them via BBC Online here
  • Email Points of View:
  • Text Phone for the hard of hearing: 08700 100 212
These two frames from BBC World were captured in January 2002. Thus we see yet another example of the decline in the BBC's teletext output as the BBC encourage an ever increasing number of hits to their BBC World website.

Still, if this means the end of the daily breakdown at least the service will become more reliable!

... and now, sadly, News 24's Ceefax service also bites the dust.


But wait... what's this...?

BBC teletext from their newer services | Ceefax In Vision
 Ceefax Regional-Extra | An Evening with Ceefax | Christmas wiith Ceefax
Telesoftware | SSVC | The Beginning of the End

Teletext Gallery index

 Teletext Chat 


For discussion about all aspects of teletext, from content right through  to complex technical matters.
If you have a question, this is the place to ask it...

The Teletext Museum is a collaboration withThe TV Room


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